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Bessern, Motivation, HR

Start building wellbeing in your organization without paying an arm and a leg

Bessern Community

Let’s get real – we spend a great part of our days and, ultimately lives, at work. Wellbeing at work has been on the list of ‘considerations’ for many organizations prior to the pandemic and now – today – wellbeing at work is on top of the list of many leaders globally. The post-pandemic silver lining is the fact that organizations realized that their employees’ wellbeing is directly correlated with productivity and business growth. As we enter to navigate the uncertainty of a fast-paced business environment, we need to ensure that we - as individuals, as leaders in organizations - are creating the right strategies for the future of our businesses while maintaining our wellbeing. I believe it is safe to say that we all understand the impact of wellbeing of our employees on our organizations and if the recent events have shown us anything it is that we can no longer put these items on the back end of our to-do list. As a reminder, here are just a few benefits of implementing the right wellbeing strategies in the organization:

· Increased productivity – people feel less stressed, burnout is prevented, and more quality work gets done

· Creativity – a workforce that is working at their best is more creative and innovative, driving growth of the organization and staying competitive in the changing world of work

· Retention – happy and engaged employees are more likely to stay and invest in your organization’s growth with their talent

· Engagement – employees that feel supported and whose values are aligned with the organizational values are more engaged and will be loyal to the organization

This must become a priority to have any chance of thriving as a society in the future of work.

When it comes to implementing strategies that promote wellbeing at work – it goes beyond yoga mats and mediation space in the offices. Wellbeing is about how your work affects your overall health and wellness. Wellness: the actual physical wellness of the individual including nutrition and fitness – is one aspect of it – this is where maybe those yoga mats or free gym memberships might help – but it is not enough. Mental wellbeing is the base of it all.

Mental wellbeing is about energy management, social support, working with a purpose and for a purpose, values alignment between individual and organization, and overall holistic approach to wellbeing at work.

How can we implement initiatives, strategies in our workplaces that do not cost us an arm and a leg?

organization without paying BESSERN

· First and foremost – leadership needs to LEAD the way – and practice good wellbeing practices – including taking time to connect with their teams, avoid sending emails outside of working hours (schedule them if you must!), take time to get to know their team members, encourage healthy lifestyles – fitness and mindful nutrition, practice of removing distractions

· Offering mental wellbeing support – access to platforms that make it accessible and affordable for companies to provide individual support to employees when they need it the most

· Offer access to coaching apps – to help managers access a coach at a time that is convenient for them and work on becoming better leader and coaches for their team members

· Focus on personal development – create an opportunity for employees for work on passion projects that are not related to their day job

· Encourage discussions around mental health and create an environment where employees feel safe to share and discuss these topics, and more importantly feel safe to ask for help and support

· Encourage flexible working hours and location preferences where possible

It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter of eagerness!

Encouraging new simple behaviors and reinventing a corporate culture having the employee' wellbeing at its core.


Ready to make a change? Talk to us about how we can help you implement sustainable wellbeing initiatives in your organization.

Get in touch: Elena Agaragimova // Ivan Palomino


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